lundi 24 août 2015

Hello everyone

After some vacation, came back to the game.

I've tried a little bit of cash game NL2, first try with one table was not so bad. I've won like 0.5$, the second try was really bad, lost like 1$ playing 2 tables.

My Cash before starting NL2:

My cash after my small session:

After this small sesison of NL2, it was time for Hyper Turbos satellites with buy in at 0.38$.

My cash at the end :

As you can see, I've been winning money but got 5$ cash from the Ronaldo challenge (by playing 9at least 9 SnG) but I've win some T$.

about my VPPs :

So result after today's session :

CASH : -0.09$ + 2.39 T$ = 2.3$
VPPS: +0.88 (from NL2) + 1.74 (from hyper turbos sats) = + 2.62 VPPs

29 hyper turbos sats played ...

I've tried cash game because I've really never give it a try. Few times, I've played but without conviction. Still wanna try harder to see if I can beat it (of course at micro stakes so far NL2)

See you next time ...

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