mardi 1 septembre 2015


back to the game, I've played some MTT today.
1 from 0.11$ with 2972 players => finished 627th ITM (630 places paid :p ) => win back the buyin 0.11$
1 SnG 0.25$ with 45 players => finished 4th ITM (7 place paid) => win 1.29$
1 SnG 0.25$ with 90 players => finished about 44th place

Not that bad, for sure, in terms of volume, it is terrible ....

So far, win  0.79$

0.28 VPPs earned also

I'm trying also to make the Dream Team freeroll trying to win some ticket for some special tournament.

Good luck everyone

mardi 25 août 2015

hello guys

today's session not so good => BAD is the only word for it.

So, for my cash :

cash : +0.32$
T$ : -3.6 T$

total : -3.28$

for VPPs: +3VPPs

I've played 50 tables of hyper turbos (nice, my personal record so far...)

By the way, I've finished the Dream Team "Ronaldo" challenge and win 8 tickets for the freeroll All-in Shootout

Even the session was negative, I can say that there are some positive points such as playing 50 tables and finishing one of the 3 challenges of the moment.

Hope next session would be better.

See you

lundi 24 août 2015

Little overview on Hyper-Turbos Sat 6 max to get ChromeStar VIP Status


I've been thinking about talking about the Hyper-Turbos Sat 6 max. Talking about the VPPs, % to be consider as a winner in these games, and maybe other stuffs...

Exemples of Hyper-Turbos sat 6 max. : 

This one for 0,38$ in order to win ticket of 1,1$ :

Fee is 0,01$ which makes you win 0.06 VPPS.

This other one for 3,75$ in order to win ticket of 11$:

Fee is 0,07$ which makes you win 0.39 VPPS.


So if you calculate for each one how many games you need in order to get 100 VPPs (ChromeStar VIP Status) :

For 0,38$ :

0,06 VPPs / game => 100 VPPs = 1666 games
1666 games = 633,3 $
To get ChromeStar on 1 month (I'll take 30 days for a month), you need to play at least 56 games by day.
Taking average that 1 game is in average 3mn, it would take you about 168mn of play, assuming you are playing 1 table at a time. If you are 2-tabling, let's say that it would take you half so 84 mn.

For 3,75$ :

0,39 VPPs / game => 100 VPPs = 256 games
256 games = 961,5 $
To get ChromeStar on 1 month (I'll take 30 days for a month), you need to play at least 9 games by day.

How to know that you are winning in these Hyper-Turbos Sat 6 max ?

The buy-in for one game is 0,38$ and you can win ticket for 1,1$.
So if you win 1 out of 3 games (33% of the time), you'll lose money.
3*0,38 = 1,14$
ticket 1,1$
=> loose of 0,04$

You are even when you get about 34,55 % of winning %.

ex : you win 3455 games on 10000 games
3455*1,1 = 3800,5
10000*0,38 = 3800

To resume all :
- 1,5 hour of play with 2-tabling everyday and you'll get ChromeStar VIP Status. (if you play the 0.38$ hyper turbos satellites)
- Need more than 34,55% of winning in order to be a "winner"

I think that it is really possible

See you on the tables
Hello everyone

After some vacation, came back to the game.

I've tried a little bit of cash game NL2, first try with one table was not so bad. I've won like 0.5$, the second try was really bad, lost like 1$ playing 2 tables.

My Cash before starting NL2:

My cash after my small session:

After this small sesison of NL2, it was time for Hyper Turbos satellites with buy in at 0.38$.

My cash at the end :

As you can see, I've been winning money but got 5$ cash from the Ronaldo challenge (by playing 9at least 9 SnG) but I've win some T$.

about my VPPs :

So result after today's session :

CASH : -0.09$ + 2.39 T$ = 2.3$
VPPS: +0.88 (from NL2) + 1.74 (from hyper turbos sats) = + 2.62 VPPs

29 hyper turbos sats played ...

I've tried cash game because I've really never give it a try. Few times, I've played but without conviction. Still wanna try harder to see if I can beat it (of course at micro stakes so far NL2)

See you next time ...

vendredi 7 août 2015

Come back to the game


So I'm come to the game, I've been little demotivated after lots of bad beats and I took a very looooong break.

I've been playing since few days on 6 max Hyper-Turbos the first on the list, the one with 0.38$ buy-ins.

So I've made a small session today (about 1.5 to 2 hours), here below are my cash and VPP before to start:

At the end of me session :

So I'm positive for 1.73$ and 1.91 VPPs (0.06 VPP by game so I've played 31 games)

For a comeback, it is not that bad.

See you next time

lundi 26 janvier 2015

I'm still alive ..... :)

Hello Everyone

it's been long time since my first article.
I have no excuses ... :(

First of all : HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 ... youhou ...

Since my first articles, I've been playing little poker, read other poker blog , trying to study the basis.

I've been playing some 0,55$ MTTs, some Spin & Go at 1$ and some Hyper Turbo Satellites 6max (0,38$ and 0,76$) for tourneys (the HOT) of 1,1$ and 2,2$.

Here is where I am in term of BK and VPPs :

From my sharkscope :

So far, I've played 129 games since November 2014 for almost 7,5$ winnings.

I would say that it is not that bad :) but for sure it could be for better!!!

I think that the Hyper Turbos Satellites 6max have started to get my attention for few reasons:
- fast play (2s to 5mn)
- 2 tickets to win (the first 2 players wins ticket for the tourney and the 3rd wins very little money)
- if played a lot, so you can put some volumes
- if you made a good session, you can earn a lot of T$

I think that I'll play more this kind of game right now and let aside the MTTs as they are time consuming and I do not have that much time to play.

New Year means that I should put some objectives for this year (never set goals for poker so I'll try to be as reaslistic as possible) :
- by the end of January 2015 => get 50$ of BK (cash + T$)
- by the end of February 2015 => double up BK so 100$ (cash + T$) (Don't know if I'll make it as I've got 2 weeks holidays in France)

So far, I'll set these 2 objectives as I need to think more about other objectives other than $$ such as VPPs, VIP Status, stakes played etc...

For sure, one goal that I won't achieve is Supernova status as i'm playing micro stakes.
I suppose that I could start to think about changing VIP Status when my BK will be at 200$ minimum so I could play at the 2$ stakes (100 BB of BK).

I hope that from April/May 2015, I'd get this BK and could start about achieving Chrome Star VIP Status everything month (100 VPPs by month to get Chrome Star)

Let's say that my ultimate goal for the end of the year is to get 1000$ in my BK and of course to play the 10-12$ tables.

If I reach it before, It would be incredibly fantastic !!!

See you on the tables

jeudi 27 novembre 2014


For the first article of my blog, I'll explain a little about this blog.

At the beginning, I did not really want to make it but I've said to myself "why not?".
So the question is : What is the purpose of this blog ? hmmm, from the tittle of the blog, I suppose that you've seen the poker word so yes it will be about poker.

Why Poker ?
During my 2nd year internship, I was with 2 other guys from my engineer school.
One was in 2nd as myseld and the other was in 3rd and last year of engineer school.
This Guy, let's call him Sam, was a huge fan of poker online, so he was playing during most of his free time. He was playing on Pokerstars which is in my opinion, one of the best poker room.
He was playing also during our internship as we did not have a lot to do and we were only the 3 of us in the "company" but I should more say room or deposit :)
He was playing so much that I could not, not be interested in this. I've always know Poker but not in this way Hold'em Poker.
By the way, one morning, he came to me and told me :"You won't believe what happened to me yesterday or this morning?", I've answered : "I don't know, tell me". He answered back that : "I've been playing in the tournament in order to win a seat for the WSOP 2007 and I've win my place for it, I'll go to Las Vegas man!!! "
He gave me the love of game if I could say.
So I've started to play also a little, I've registered on different poker rooms, to test my capacity and all.
Let me tell you right now that it was very not good. I've had sometimes good plays, some wins and lot of loses, which is normal for a beginner.

During my 3rd year, I've been playing more often online.
I've even organized 3 tournaments in my school about Poker
First was a knockout during 5 days, winner was going to final table. Of course, I was playing also.
I've win the knockout and went to final table but finished second on the final table.
Second and Third were like MTT, we were about 40 people to play so it was quite nice, I was playing of course but I had to also organize the tables, the increasing of blinds but it was quite good experience for myself to be the "leader" of it. For the result, I've been on both final tables, one time , I've finished maybe 5th and the other time, I've finished second (again).
By the way, it was good experience with all the people.

I've tried one time to play in real tournament in my life, I've been playing in Paris in the club named ACL on the Champ Elysees street. Entry fee was 50 Euros. I will make it fast, I've been eliminated during the first hour of play. Nothing to play, just one time, I've got the KK and raise but nobody called so it was the only pot that I've won. Nice experience, I've been wanted to try again but never had the time unfortunately. Maybe one day will come and I'll go but first I'll need to go back to Paris.

I've been playing from time to time online but not like a real player or a grinder. It was just for the fun without real objectives of winning.

So it was my history with poker.

Recently, I've restarted to play online poker on Pokerstars. I've created new account to restart from fresh (but also I do not remember my pass :( what a looser). My name on Pokerstars is "TPimousse81". I've put like 17$ on my account. I've started with a SnG of 45 with entry fees maybe 25cts, just to restart to play. On my big surprise, I've won the SnG and earned about 3$.
I've tried some Spin and Go of 1$, still by surprise, I've won the 3 first that I've tried which was really crazy, I've even earn maybe 7$ (two were 2$ prizepool and one was 6$ for the prizepool).
So going from 17$ to 27$ on my BK have motivated me to play little more.
Which I've done it. Unfortunately, variance exists and you can't win all the time so I've got some wins some loses, no big deal. My BK is still positive, I've got about 23$ right now.

The purpose of my blog is to write about my "poker carreer" as a beginner. I'll not say that my goal is to be professional. My goal is to share my experience (win or lose) of Poker and try to share my joy of playing poker.

I think that I'll play mostly SnG micro-stakes at the beginning (could be up to 1$ max) but I may also try to play some bigger tournament with bigger entry fee (up to 3 or 4$). According to my BK, it is really not good to do like.

I'll see and share with you guys. (maybe not everyday, I'll try one time per week)

Hope that it was not too long as first article but you know, you need to present a little everything. Hope you enjoy it.

See you soon